Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Canine Bullies: Dealing with Dog Aggression

We all love our dogs but what to do if your dog is a bully? Canine bullies are dogs that show excessive aggressive behavior, usually towards other dogs but sometimes even towards other humans.
The Dog Bully Vs Alpha Dog Debate There is a bit of confusion when it comes to understanding aggressive dog behavior. The traditional thought goes that if your dog is threatening another dog, he's just asserting his rank as the alpha dog. Stealing toys or food of another dog, talking away their bed and scaring away the other dog while being petted by the owner might seem like alpha dog behavior but now researchers, dog trainers and veterinarians are starting to believe that it is similar to the kind of bullying we see in a school playground.

Is Your Dog a Bully? If your dog is too aggressive towards other dogs, If it continues it's dominating behavior even after the other dog has submitted or if your dog won't let any other dogs come close to you, then your dog is a bully. Aggressive dogs can be a real threat if you don't learn how to deal with them. If left unchecked, dogs can become so aggressive that they might even start dominating their owners and cause harm to other dogs and humans.
How to deal with Canine Aggression. Dealing with aggressive dogs can be hard but if such bullying behavior is recognized early, then dogs can be trained to not turn into bullies. The following steps should ensure that your dog remains a well balanced happy dog.
1. Be an assertive leader for your dog. If you don't take up the leadership role in your pack, then the dog will assume that it's in charge. it is very difficult to control a dog if it doesn't respect you as its leader. So be assertive, confident and calm while setting limits for your dog.
2. Take your dog on regular. As the "dog whisperer" Cesar Millan keeps saying, daily long walks are the most essential habit for your dog. It helps in releasing all the excessive energy and your dog remains physically fit and mentally well balanced. It also helps establish you as the pack leader and your dog will not become aggressive if its pack leader stays calm.
3. Use Negative punishment, which means to take away a good thing when the dog behaves badly. If you are petting your dog and it becomes aggressive towards your other dog, then stop petting it. If your dog becomes aggressive while playing with other dogs, give it a time-out.

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